fascinating city of La-wo that today is known as Lopburi
is a unique blend of East and West, ancient and modern,
royal splendour and desolate ruins which offer tantalising
glimpses into a turbulent and alluring history. |
155 kilometres north of Bangkok, it is unlike many historical
cities. Latter day Lopburi has grown up and for the most
part blended in with the remains of the old city which
had been a settlement for centuries. It was 'discovered'
by tourists who were interested in history and culture
during the last couple of years and offers a refreshing
insight into Thailand's history. Visitors arriving by
road might be somewhat surprised to be greeted by a giant
pink wedding cake kratong that sits brashly in
the middle of a pond at the main roundabout of the town.
However, those arriving more sedately by rail, are given
a sneak preview of the history awaiting them in the shape
of Wat Phra Sri Ratana Maha Tat, a 12th century ruin of
Khmer origin that lies close to the rustic little railway
station. The temple has several important prangs,
parts of which date back to the 10th and 11th centuries
depicting a strong Khmer influence. |